Children's Ministry
At Merced Baptist we are committed to making sure we reach the next generation for Christ. Children are the future of our church as well as a great hope for our world. We have a complete children’s ministry designed to reach, teach, and train young people to love and serve God.
Youth Ministry
Our youth ministries are designed to assist parents in helping young people make wise and right choices in their lives. Most contemporary churches are seeing a drop-out rate of around 95% of teens once they graduate from high school. We believe and preach in the principle of difference. The only way to change the direction of our society is not by adopting their music, methods and standards , but by showing a distinct difference in the lives of believers from non-believers. We believe that God has a plan to reach all people of all ages and that is through discipleship in His Word not just through entertainment. Not that we don’t enjoy having fun, we have plenty of that as well!
Adult Ministries
Merced Baptist has a variety of activities and ministries for adults of all ages. From special trips, and family camps, to serving and helping in many different areas of ministry, adults can experience wonderful opportunities of fellowship and growth. Adult Sunday School classes provide a great opportunity for spiritual growth and for developing lasting relationships.
Outreach Ministry
Join us on Saturday mornings at 10 as we share the gospel with our community. Attend and get involved in our annual missions conference in March. Merced Baptist provides a variety of ways in which a Christian can share their faith with others.